User terms and conditions
Welcome to the BoKlok website! The following user terms and conditions apply for the website. We ask you to read them carefully. The terms and conditions contain information on how to use the content on the website, how we process your personal data and which cookies we use on the website. References below to “BoKlok”, “us”, or “we” refer to BoKlok Housing AB, which is the provider of this website, and/or other companies in the Skanska Group. The BoKlok website and these user terms and conditions are provided in accordance with Swedish laws.

Copyright and other intellectual property rights
Copyright and trademark information
All rights to the content of the website, such as text, graphics, logos, images, video clips, sound files and programs are the property of BoKlok or a third part and are protected by Swedish and international intellectual property law. All rights are reserved.
The content of the website is provided as a service to you and may only be used according to the terms and conditions outlined below. By obtaining information from the website you accept the terms and conditions.
Unauthorised use or distribution of the content of the website may be in violation of copyright laws and/or other Swedish or international laws, and may result in legal action.
Use of BoKlok trademarks
Use of BoKlok trademarks and trademark names is only permitted in accordance with the terms and conditions or after you have obtained written consent from BoKlok. Prior written consent is required in order to use BoKlok trademarks in advertising and marketing of BoKlok products and services.
Use of the website content
The website and its content may not be changed, broadcast, recreated, published, licensed, transferred, sold or used for other commercial purposes without prior written consent from BoKlok.
BoKlok permits you to take temporary copies of content on this website if this is a necessary step in becoming more familiar with the website content. You may also print out as much content from the website as is reasonable for personal use and provide links to our website. All other use of the information on the website is prohibited.
When you take copies of information on the website you are prohibited from modifying the information or removing copyright information or BoKlok name.
The information on the website is general in nature and should not be used as a separate or single basis for decisions on important matters. We are constantly working to ensure that the website is correct, complete and updated, but there is always a risk of, for example, typing errors, external influences and technical errors resulting in misleading information. This means that BoKlok cannot guarantee and does not take responsibility for ensuring that the information is always correct, complete and updated.
If BoKlok provides a link to a third party website, the link is only intended to help the user. BoKlok does not take responsibility for the content or accuracy of the information on any third party website.
Material from users
All material and communication transferred to or posted on this website in connection with your use of functions on the website will be regarded as non-confidential. BoKlok has the right to use such information for commercial or other non-commercial purposes.
When using the website you are not permitted to place or upload any material or information on the website that is illegal, can be perceived as offensive, constitutes marketing or in another way can be perceived as inappropriate. Such content will be removed from the website and we retain the right to stop providing a service on the website that you may have registered for.
If material or communication sent to us via the website contains personal data, the statements under Processing of personal data (see further down this page) will apply.
Other information
BoKlok may at any time change these terms and conditions, choose to show or remove posts and content on the website and/or close down the website. If changes are made to the user terms and conditions you will be made aware of this by a new version being provided on the website. We therefore ask you to stay updated on any new versions of the terms and conditions.
Processing of personal data
BoKlok cares about your privacy and makes every effort to maintain a high level of protection in all processing of personal data. All processing of personal data by BoKlok is in accordance with personal data laws. Within the EU/EES the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies as of May 2018*.
BoKlok Housing AB, or the company otherwise indicated as the data controller, is responsible under applicable data protection laws for processing your personal data in accordance with what is stated below. If you should have any questions about this information or if you want to exercise any of your rights as stated below, you can contact BoKlok via the contact details under Contact information (scroll further down).
Collection and processing of personal data
Personal data is information which, directly or indirectly, can be attributed to you as an individual. Examples of such information are name, images, personal ID number, contact details, competition entry, preferences, behaviour or IP address. Processing of personal data refers to all actions that we or a third party take that involve personal data, for example collection, registration or storage.
*Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).
Personal data may only be processed for specific and expressly stated purposes and may not thereafter be processed for any purpose over and above these purposes.
At BoKlok we process personal data, which you yourself have provided to us, for the purpose of managing enquiries from you and any agreements with you, and to provide information and services in connection with such enquiries and agreements. These may include an expression of interest in our rental properties, in competitions advertised on our website that you choose to participate in, in visiting Skanskagymnasiet school or subscribing to our newsletter.
Your personal data may also be used for marketing and monitoring purposes, as well as for our sales and product development with the aim of improving our products and services. If you do not want to receive marketing and/or other offers, please contact us via the contact details under Contact information (scroll further down).
Finally, personal data is also processed for statistical purposes to see how users are using the website and to analyse search behaviour, as well as to show you updated content. This data is, however, only processed in aggregate form or in a way that does not allow you to be identified as an individual. Data is also processed indirectly in connection with development, testing and administration of the IT systems that are linked to our website.
When you use functions on our website that allow you to place or upload information or other material on our website, we ask you to note that this information may contain personal data. If the information you provide contains data on other individuals, you are only permitted to provide such information if you have their permission to do so.
Legal basis for processing and storage period
BoKlok always processes your personal data in accordance with applicable laws. We process your personal data when it is necessary to fulfil an agreement with you and where we have another legitimate or justified interest in processing your personal data, for example an interest in marketing our company to visitors to our website, or an interest in developing our website or our products and/or services. If we want to process your personal data for any purpose which, under applicable laws, requires your consent, we will only start to process it once we have received your consent.
Data that we collect as stated above is deleted when the purpose for which it was processed has been fulfilled.
Ensuring protection of personal data
BoKlok maintains a high level of security with respect to your personal data and has therefore taken appropriate technical and organisational steps to protect your personal data from unauthorised access, change, dissemination or destruction.
Limitations on disclosure
We may assign external partners to perform tasks on our behalf, for example to provide IT services or assist with marketing, administration of press releases, or for analysis or statistics. The performance of these services may mean that our partners – both within and outside the EU/EES – will have access to your personal data. Companies that process personal data on our behalf must always sign an agreement with us to enable us to ensure that a high level of protection of your personal data is maintained by our partners as well.
With respect to partners outside the EU/ESS, special protection measures are taken, such as signing agreements that include the standardised Model Clauses for the transfer of personal data, which have been adopted by the European Commission and are available on the Commission’s website.
BoKlok may also disclose your personal data to a third party such as the police or other authority if it is relevant to the investigation of a crime, or if we are otherwise obligated to provide such information by law or based on decisions by authorities.
BoKlok will not disclose your personal data in any other way than as described in this section.
External links
The information on processing of personal data applies to data that BoKlok processes about you within the framework of our website. Our website may sometimes contain links to external websites or services that we do not control. If you click on a link to an external website, we encourage you to familiarise yourself with the policies for personal data processing and information about cookies that apply for that specific website.
Your rights and your right to file a complaint
Under applicable personal data laws, you have the right at any time to request access to the personal data that is processed about you, to have inaccurate personal data corrected, to ask BoKlok to stop processing or to delete your personal data, to request that processing of your personal data be limited, to exercise your right to data portability, to withdraw consent to certain processing (where consent has been obtained) and to object to the processing of your personal data. If you wish to exercise this right please contact BoKlok via the contact details as stated below. You also have the right at any time to file a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority if you think that your personal data has been processed in violation of personal data laws.
Contact information
The data controller responsible for the processing of your personal data is BoKlok Housing AB. If you have any questions on how we process your personal data, or if you would like to have contact details for designated data protection officers/controllers at other companies within the Skanska Group or information about their role in personal data matters, you are welcome to contact us via email or letter.
BoKlok Housing AB
Att: Data Protection Manager (DPM)
205 33 Malmö, Sweden
+46 10 - 448 00 00